Amrai Pari Paribarik Nirjaton Protirodh Jot (WE CAN)

Preventing VAW: Promising Practices from CGBV Project

Amrai Pari Paribarik Nirjaton Protirodh Jot (WE CAN) implemented Combatting Gender Based Violence project in Bangladesh in the three districts (Bogura, Cumilla, Patuakhali) since 2020 which was funded by Government of Canada and supported by UN Women Bangladesh.

The project aimed to understand what works to prevent violence against women (VAW) in Bangladesh by investing in in-depth research, monitoring, impact evaluation, and innovation and implementation and testing innovative measures to promote institutional and behaviour change for a violence-free environment. The project c

omprised multiple prevention interventions designed to address the underlying drivers of VAW, support duty bearers to comply with international and national obligations to address VAW and promote gender equality and emphasized on advocacy, communication, and knowledge management for violence prevention in the country. These interventions included the global evidence based prevention models Raising Voices’ SASA! Together (community mobilization), Shomman O Shomotar Jeebon (family-based intervention based on Stepping Stones), and UN Women’s Campus-Based Guidelines for university-based intervention (Whole of School Approach).

UN Women Bangladesh organized an event in 10 May 2023 at Carnival Hall of Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC) to showcase the promising practices of VAW prevention approaches in Bangladesh from the learning of the CGBV project and listen to the grassroots voices about their transformative journey and the CGBV team of Amrai Pari Paribarik Nirjaton Protirodh Jot (WE CAN) participated in the event.